Who We Are
Numerous lives have been touched and impacted year on year through Prachiti Seva Foundation , aspiring to create a more employable workforce and improve skills of youth and women that will enhance their earning potential.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Enhancing employable skills and soft skills development in a holistic manner developing key skill sets for employability is what these sustainable training programs focus on. Individuals from financially challenged communities enrol and are trained at the Foundation Centre in collaboration with reputed technical and knowledge partners, to become self-dependent and improve their standards of living to ensure sustainability.
Our Impact
Bright Futures Begin with Us
“It is obvious to make a living by what we get, but it is more obvious to make a life by what we give.”
We have got prestigious awards for our work
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life, like discovering that family member has a condition.